Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Basta con le chiacchere:Mythical referencing

Basta con le chiacchere
Translated from Italian: “Stop with the idle chatter/nonsense”
dedicated to Dom Dipietriantonio, a.k.a. Dipie : an amazing artist and a friend.-2006

I half hate
all the mythical referencing 
because honestly it does nothing
to relieve me of my anguish

or to expedite the coming of much talked about joy.

For a moment, he reminded me of Vulcan, 
forging life through his home-made paints.
I was struggling, Phoebus, plucking the lyre, 

tightening my stringed contraption to death.

We were both hoping 

to snag the owlish eyes of Minerva,
Over there, where she sits on her 

erudite grey head all day.

I can’t breathe sometimes.
I cannot pinpoint why I care so much for this thing called clarity?

Ah!—Basta con le chiacchere!