This will be brief; re you neglecting the blog, so soon after its inception? Funny you should ask. No, work actually kept me busy for more than 75% of the day, that is unusual, but this time of year expected. Suffice to say I have not spent the time I need to give to Wally Stevens his due. I won't let you down Wally, I promise. Maybe tonight, maybe.
There are students in my office that are hysterical, tears running down their faces...not because I refuse to put them in the class they need for next semester so that they can graduate and all their life goals will be perfectly aligned with the planets and the stars, but because they are reading some woman's blog. How does one get that way? Funny, that is. It is a skill to be so funny, with words alone, a truly impressive skill. I need practice and lots of it. Although its not really my intention, its keeps the reading fresh and comfortable to be able to infuse humor into the equation. I can't say I've ever been too funny. When i think back to my childhood and my teenage years and my twenties, I'm usually the one doing the laughing at other peoples jokes. I orbit funny people, I'm not usually being orbited myself. I forget jokes all the time, even ones I've heard a milluion times. I screw up punchlines; either I forget the story halfway or right at that very end, or i tell the joke incorrectly, speeding my way through it as I train wreck the delivery and the listener seems to lose focus, eyes glazed over. Badda-bing! take my wife, PLEASE.
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