Sunday, December 5, 2010

Poetry:A Delicate Emergency

A Delicate Emergency

The tiny bacteria feed
on tiny bacteria feeding.

The teardrops hide in slivered ducts,
ready at a moment’s notice.

Everyday, the back and forth,
the swing of arms and legs
and testicles choked in clothing.

Above these wooden floorboards,                                                 
where the back aches are caused by over comfort,
I have the choice of music,
books, sleep and heating.

I still cannot bear the
unkempt lilting of my dreams
while Moving goes untangling
a future in the sky.

Flesh is not a tireless
shelter and I don’t know                           
for sure that all my sounds
will one day be rewarded

with the meaning's delicate emergency:
all the clippings, all the little
light-bent things and falling seeds,

all that goes growing out
beneath the bright gray sphere of Heaven
with Its’ quiet bends of sky
forever arcing free of empathy!

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