Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fondness Now---For Nelly(2001)

Fondness Now
--for Nelly

It was the day
that we drove to Tuxedo
up the 17 North
and we stopped to eat pizza
and you convinced me
to leave without paying;
they were so unaware,
preoccupied with motocross
and racing things.

You got up
to use the bathroom
and then slipped
out the back door.

I watched you
start the car and 
then I scuttled along
and we went driving
up the 17 North

to cliff dive
where the spot
on the ledge said ‘jump here’
spray painted next to it,  ‘Pink Floyd’
and I forget
what color it was
painted in but I am sure
that it is up there
even now.

We made love
before the bugs eyes
and the waterside

and walked among
that hum and quiet
in-between the highways.

It was that day,
I remember it.
I remember you so well now,
Your nervous laughter
and your music

I regret not thinking fondly of you,
for so long in that period that
came after us and now it’s gone.

I am still
the same but I am not,
still gentle and hiding a sorrow
and perhaps you know
what I mean.

It was that day
that we went driving
Up the 17 North

to little tucked away Tuxedo
And all my pizzas now are paid for
with the fondest memories of you.

1 comment:

  1. Aw that's so sweet. You should send it to her. She's going thru some serious shit and I think she'd like to read it. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know, but I think you should.
